Saturday 13 April 2013

Beesia, a great little underused plant

Beesia with Autumn Fern and Daffodil greens
Beesias are fantastic evergreen perennials that grow in deep shade.  They have beautiful glossy, heart shaped leaves with contrasting vein markings.  In spring, spikes of tiny white flowers emerge.

Beesia is the plant with the heart shaped leaves in the centre of these photographs.  You can see how Beesia 
contrasts nicely with fern foliage.

Beesia are wonderfully strong plants, and will grow in the shade of conifers, like the Beesias in these photographs.

Beesia with Daffodil greens
Beesias are hard to find, and are expensive.  I'm not sure if they are hard to find because they are expensive, or expensive because they are hard to find.  They are certainly easy to grow, and I recommend anyone with a shade garden to invest in 2 or 3 Beesias.  They are worth the cost.  These Beesia cost about $20 each when we installed them three years ago.

We have bought them at Phoenix Perennials and Southlands Nursery.

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